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Ready For The Truth Soundtrack


The Joy of Life

Before we arrived on Earth, we originated from a place of pure joy. This joy, a powerful expression of love and light, is the essence of who we truly are. As cosmic beings in human form, it’s vital to remember this truth. By realizing our true nature, we can remain in a state of joy for longer periods as we expand our consciousness. When we maintain this joyful frequency, we can align our vibrations with our heart’s desires, making it easier to manifest the life and experiences we seek.

How can we sustain this state of joy? The key lies in quieting the mind. Through meditation, we can connect with our higher self and tap into the deep understanding that we are beings of love and light. For more insights on enhancing your meditation techniques, explore my ebook: The Law of Attraction Superhighway: How to Transform Your Life in Less Than 30 Days.

"Free yourself from the mass-induced trance of powerless living." The Pleiadians

Money Magnet Meditation

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