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Echoes of Joy: Zoey's Grand Canyon Epiphany


In the deep hues of the Grand Canyon, with its strata like the years of life stacked atop each other, Zoey stood at the precipice. A business major by choice, her life in the urban sprawl was a series of calculated risks and cost-benefit analyses. But here, amidst the vastness of nature’s own enterprise, the words from the image she carried in her mind whispered to her soul.

“Every single human being is meant to be in joy.”

Zoey had come to the Grand Canyon on a whim, a spur of the moment decision made in the wake of a particularly grueling semester. As she gazed out at the canyon's timeless beauty, she realized she had never truly embraced that her pursuit of success was meant to be a pursuit of happiness as well.

She recalled the lecture she had stumbled into, not her usual finance and marketing strategies, but one on the philosophy of happiness. The professor had spoken about choice, about the power within to generate joy from nothingness. It seemed fanciful then, but now, as the sun painted golden hues over the layered cliffs, she felt a stirring within.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, making a conscious decision to be happy from the inside. The wind carried the sounds of the Colorado River below, a testament to the relentless joy of flowing, carving, being.

In the weeks that followed, Zoey infused her life with this inner joy. Her projects, once only a means to an end, became canvases for passion. Group meetings turned into collaborative celebrations of ideas. Her smile became a magnet, drawing people towards her, and she found that happiness on the inside indeed radiated outward.

The Grand Canyon taught her that life, like the river, would continue to flow, but joy was a choice she could make every day. And in choosing it, she found her life enriched not just with success, but with the vibrant colors of true happiness.

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