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Healing Garden Meditation for Sending Love and Light

Healing Meditation

People from all over the world have been coming together in prayer and thought for the Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton. If you're looking to send some positive energy her way—or to anyone else in need—our guided healing meditation is a great way to start.

Just settle into a comfortable spot, close your eyes, and take a moment to focus on your breath. Imagine each breath in is a wave of golden light filling you up, washing away negativity as you breathe out. This golden light is all about healing and rejuvenation. As you breathe in this light, imagine it's kickstarting a powerful healing process within you.

Next, focus on your heart. Keep breathing deeply and open your heart to feelings of joy and love. Let these feelings wash over you, and as they grow, visualize a magical garden. This isn't just any garden—it's vibrant with every color and kind of plant you can imagine. It's a place of incredible healing power. As you walk through it, touching the leaves and flowers, you're connecting with a shared energy of healing, contributed to by many others.

In the heart of this garden, imagine a table bathed in light. Looking into this light, think of the person you wish to send healing to. Mentally ask for their consent. If you feel it's right, picture them on the table, and channel all the love and light from your heart and the garden into them. See them surrounded and filled by a rainbow of healing energy.

Stay with this image for a few minutes, feeling the healing happening. When you're ready, gently open your eyes, carrying a piece of this magical garden's energy with you. Remember, sending love and healing to someone else is a powerful act, but loving and healing yourself is just as important. We're all connected in this journey.

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