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How to Create a Law of Attraction Vision Board that Works

Updated: May 17, 2023

Law of Attraction vision board

A Law of Attraction vision board is a powerful tool that helps manifest your desires and brings them to life. By creating a visual representation of your goals and dreams, you harness the power of visualization and focus your energy on attracting what you desire. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of creating a Law of Attraction vision board that truly works, allowing you to manifest your aspirations and live a life aligned with your deepest desires.

Clarify Your Intentions and Set Goals

  • Reflecting on your desires and aspirations

  • Setting clear and specific goals for your vision board

  • Connecting with your innermost desires and aligning them with your values

Gather Inspiration and Visual Materials

  • Exploring different sources of inspiration, such as magazines, images, and quotes

  • Collecting visual materials that resonate with your goals and aspirations

  • Prioritizing images and words that evoke positive emotions and align with your vision

Design and Layout of Your Vision Board

  • Choosing the format and size of your vision board

  • Organizing your visual materials into categories or themes

  • Creating a visually appealing layout that captures your attention and sparks inspiration

Assemble Your Vision Board

  • Affixing your chosen visuals onto the board

  • Arranging and layering the images in a way that feels meaningful to you

  • Adding meaningful quotes, affirmations, or personal notes to enhance the impact

Infuse Your Vision Board with Emotion and Intention

  • Connecting with the emotions associated with your goals and desires

  • Infusing your vision board with positive energy and intention

  • Spending time with your vision board regularly to reinforce the emotional connection

Place Your Vision Board in a Prominent Location

  • Selecting a prominent and accessible location for your vision board

  • Ensuring that it is visible and easily seen on a daily basis

  • Incorporating your vision board into your daily routine and visualization practice

Take Inspired Action

  • Aligning your actions with the goals and desires depicted on your vision board

  • Identifying steps and opportunities to move closer to your vision

  • Using your vision board as a source of motivation and guidance in taking inspired action

Regularly Review and Update Your Vision Board

  • Setting aside dedicated time to review and reconnect with your vision board

  • Updating your vision board as your goals and desires evolve

  • Celebrating your progress and manifesting the goals you have achieved


Creating a Law of Attraction vision board is a transformative and empowering process that brings your dreams to life. By visualizing your goals and desires, infusing them with intention and emotion, and taking inspired action, you align yourself with the energy of manifestation. Regularly connecting with and reviewing your vision board keeps your intentions at the forefront of your mind. Embrace the power of your vision board and watch as it becomes a catalyst for attracting the life you truly desire.

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