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Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Are you FACING FORECLOSURE and feeling powerless? It's time to fight back with knowledge, strategy, and a team that’s on your side!

Understanding the motivations of lenders in the current market is crucial to your fight. Contrary to popular belief, homes aren't selling well or are being sold far below their potential value. This isn't good news for the lenders who aren't eager to add to their unsellable inventory; doing so tarnishes their bottom line and reveals their financial instability.

Lenders aren't as excited about an intense battle for your home if you pose a formidable defense. Did you know that a whopping 99% of attorneys who initiate foreclosure aren't prepared to deal with well-informed consumers like you?

Those attorneys are often left clueless against homeowners who understand the system, are aware of State and Federal laws, and show no fear. This is your chance to turn the tables and have the upper hand!

Moreover, servicers actually earn more from lenders while your home is in foreclosure than if you were making timely payments. They would rather prolong the process; it simply increases their profits. Ever wonder why your mortgage keeps changing hands, even when it’s in foreclosure? The answer is simple - they are still making money!

We've helped our members – people just like you – stay in their homes for years. In some cases, the foreclosure has even entered a “dormant” state where the lenders do nothing for a long time. Our system will guide you from the beginning to the end of the process, helping you to MAKE MONEY while doing so!

Despite the foreboding narrative, the truth is that most banks or trusts initiating foreclosure actions don't have the legal right to do so. It’s usually the servicer, a trustee, or an appointed trustee for a securitized pool of mortgages – and the burden of proof is on them, not you. This is a difficult task for them to prove, to say the least.

There are defenses in most foreclosure cases that will buy you considerable time. By utilizing our proven system, you put the banks on the defensive. They cannot proceed with the foreclosure until they settle with you. In many instances, you'll reach an agreement that favors you.

So, let's put it simply: You make the bank see things your way!

Take control today. Stand your ground. Stop the foreclosure.

Watch the Video Below To Learn More:

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