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Temple of Healing in the Astral Realm Meditation

Temple of Healing in the Astral Realm

Begin by finding a quiet space where you can relax and be undisturbed. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, letting the tension melt away with each exhale.

Imagine yourself surrounded by a gentle white light, descending from the heavens above. Feel this pure, loving light as it washes over you, cleansing and purifying your energy. Allow it to fill you completely, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

Now, bring your focus to your heart. As you breathe deeply, feel your heart begin to open, radiating love and light. Envision this love and light growing stronger, creating a portal within your heart—a cosmic gateway, like a wormhole, that will transport you to a sacred space of healing.

See yourself stepping through this portal, and as you emerge on the other side, you find yourself in the magnificent Temple of Healing in the Astral Realm. This temple is filled with love, light, and the essence of divine magic. The walls shimmer with ethereal colors, and you can feel the presence of angels, guides, and the spirits of loved ones who have passed on.

You walk to the center of the temple, where a radiant crystal awaits. It pulses with vibrant energy, drawing healing light from the very universe itself. As you stand before the crystal, beams of light in every color of the spectrum cascade down from the ceiling and all around the room, enveloping you in a kaleidoscope of healing energy.

Feel these lights as they bathe your entire body from head to toe. Each color has its own healing frequency, washing away any pain, sorrow, or heaviness you may be carrying. Spend some time here, allowing the energy to work its magic, restoring balance and peace to your soul.

When you feel ready, take a moment to express gratitude for the healing you have received. Then, gently bring your awareness back to the present moment. Slowly, open your eyes, carrying with you the sense of peace, light, and love from the Temple of Healing in the Astral Realm.

Trust that this healing energy is now a part of you, and know that you can return to this sacred space whenever you feel the need.

Allow yourself to revisit this meditation whenever you seek healing, comfort, or connection with the divine.

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