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The Frequency of Joy: Camille's Journey in Santa Fe

Positive Frequency

Camille stood amidst the vibrant hues of Santa Fe, the orange and pink hues of the sunset reflecting off the adobe houses. In her early thirties with four kids, life had a way of testing her resolve. After her partner left, the days were a juggling act between work, kids, and an endless array of chores and challenges.

But Camille had stumbled upon a worn book in a quaint little bookstore tucked away on a side street known for its art galleries. Its pages were filled with the power of attraction and the importance of maintaining a positive frequency. At first, she was skeptical, but desperation led her to cling to the idea like a lifeline.

She started small, making it a ritual to wake up each morning and simply ask the universe to get through the day with ease and joy. She believed, with all her heart, that she had already received this day of peace. Then, she would set about her tasks, each movement punctuated with a sense of positivity, focusing on feeling good amidst the chaos.

As she aligned herself with this new frequency of positivity, things began to shift. A promotion came through, unexpected but exactly what she needed. Her children, feeding off her newfound energy, became more cooperative and content. Friends and strangers alike were drawn to her, offering help in ways she could never have anticipated.

One evening, as she tucked her kids into bed, her eldest, Caitlin, whispered, "Mom, you seem so happy lately. Everything feels... lighter."

Camille kissed her forehead, a smile tugging at her lips. "We're on a good frequency, love. We asked, we believed, and now we're receiving."

And in the heart of Santa Fe, surrounded by the beauty of the high desert and the warmth of her children's love, Camille understood that the universe was indeed listening. And as long as she held onto that feeling of goodness, the universe would continue to provide.

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