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Mission Statement We are a network of teachers, facilitators, coaches, friends, and mentors from every walk of life trained to provide a spiritual, non-religious program on living deliberately to those who want to learn and apply such teachings.


Spirituality & Religion We focus on the term “spirituality” in our work because, for most people, it promotes views similar to our own. We believe in God, divine intelligence, and a benevolent Universe where everyone is ONE with this creator, and thereby loved, forgiven, and accepted eternally. While respecting all approaches to spirituality, we are not aligned with any religion, nor do we permit trainers to incorporate any religious doctrines with our program to ensure that no person or group is ever excluded from the universal principles that we believe apply to all people, regardless of their “faith” or lack thereof.


The Material This program is based on Mike Dooley’s New York Times bestselling book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams, which has been published in 15 languages. Mike, creator of TUT (The Universe Talks), used the content of his book to create a 7-session Infinite Possibilities companion workbook that is the basis for our training program.


Our Work Certified trainers are encouraged and taught how to reach those in our society who have not yet been reached with the truth of their own innate ability to shape their lives and live their dreams through understanding and working with their thoughts, words, attitudes, beliefs, and actions.

Our Beliefs We believe that everyone is special, every life is meaningful, and we’re all here to learn that dreams really do come true. We also believe that “thoughts become things” and imagination is the gift that can bring love, health, abundance, and happiness into our lives.


From Mike Dooley:


Adding to the equation, we’re now living through the greatest spiritual awakening in recorded history. The turmoil and chaos of the past few years—arising from the pandemic, recognizing our culture’s immense societal inequalities, and the hyperpolitical divisiveness—has caused us all to do some soul searching. It’s created the opportunity for people everywhere to reconsider their assumptions, get back to basics, and adjust their priorities. Because of this, our vision is improving; darkness is giving way to light, naivety is waking up to truth, and fear is yielding to love.

You and your life experiences are greatly needed. Working together, we can help usher in a golden era on earth. The Infinite Possibilities material will uniquely prepare you with non-agenda-driven lessons that celebrate life, empower all, and exclude no one. Our message is one of responsibility and power; we teach that by beginning with oneself, embracing the truths of our existence, and applying them, all things are possible —wealth, health, love, and whatever else your heart desires. We also teach, and you will find, that success and happiness are our default settings. We are born to thrive, and once we finally get out of our own way, the floodgates of all good things open to shower us in abundance.


Are you open to learning a “new” spiritual, non-religious perspective on the truths of life.


Certificate of completion

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